Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Team Work in Crossing a Valley


Valley Crossing Case Study

Our last class was all about the significance of Team work. One valley crossing case study was analysed to understand how team work is helpful in a business domain or organisational structure. In that case study, three workers or employees have to perform a certain task . In that task one obstruction in the form of a valley was present to give them the challenge to complete their task. Their task is to place an iron rod from one side of the valley to the other side as shown in the picture.

This is a very genuine problem which explains how to tackle difficult situations without hurting any other critical parameter. 

Results of Team Work

In the above case study , we can easily see that they have completed their work . Had it been a single person, this task was impossible to achieve . Even with two person this could be more hectic than what it is by working three at a time. Team work makes success more easy.
               Over the past couple of decades, a cult has grown up around teams. Even in a society as fiercely independent as America, teams are considered almost sacred .The belief that working in teams makes us more creative and productive is so widespread that when faced with a challenging new task, leaders are quick to assume that teams are the best way to get the job done. 

Observations from This Examples

After dividing the task into sub tasks following observations were made :-

  • All the three member's burden is distributed equally among themselves. No one is doing or making extra efforts.
  • The risk of members falling into the valley is also equal to each other . This shows that every employee's life is critical to an organisation, irrespective of his designation.
  • All the three of them are indispensable . Without any one of the three would make the task  impossible.
  • Every member is exposed to different different critical situations like fully safe, medium risky and then fully risky.

It's good to be individually brilliant and to have strong core competencies; but unless you're able to work in a team and harness each other's core competencies, you'll always perform below par because there will always be situations at which you'll do poorly and someone else does well. 

1 comment:

  1. Good work......
    looking forward for ur next.....
    al d best
